Choosing and Using Accommodations: IEP Team Considerations
Start with the standards - Make sure the team is aware of what all students at a grade level are expected to know and be able to do.
Examine the student's learning strengths and challenges in light of each standard -
- What kinds of instructional strategies work best for the student? (e.g., visual, tactile, auditory, combination)
- What learning strategies will help the student overcome challenges?
- What accommodations increase the student's access to instruction and assessment?
- What accommodations has the student tried in the past?
- What has worked the best and in what situations?
- What does the student prefer?
- Are there ways to improve the student's use of the accommodation?
- Does the student still need the accommodation?
- What are the challenges of providing the student's preferred accommodations, and how can these be overcome?
- Are there other accommodations that the student should try?
- Are there ways the student can use preferred accommodations outside of school (e.g., at home, on the job, in the community?)
- Are preferred accommodations allowed on state and district assessments for accountability?
- How can the student learn to request preferred accommodations (e.g., self-advocacy)?
- Are there opportunities for the student to use preferred accommodations on practice tests?
- What arrangements need to be made to make sure the student's preferred accommodations are available in assessment situations?
- How can actual accommodations use be documented?