Teacher Tools Related to Working Effectively with Paraeducators

List of tools

  • Starting off on the right foot: Providing orientation for Paraeducators

    Providing Orientation for Paraeducators: There are risks, dangers, ethics, and legalities of not providing orientation to a new paraeducator. Quality orientation that consists of getting acquainted, establishing the supervisory relationship, and keeping the momentum can create a positive and productive relationship.

  • Starting off on the right foot: Getting acquainted

    Getting Acquainted: Getting to know the individual or team that will provide supervision is of primary importance to the paraeducator. Completing a structured list of "Getting Acquainted Questions" and "Work Styles and Preference Worksheets," in addition to creating a personalized job description can help facilitate the process.

  • Planning for the Paraeducator

    Planning for a paraeducator is different than planning for yourself. The professionals who participate in assessment of the students and in the IEP planning must develop structured plans, and then it's the paraeducator's responsibility to implement them. Regular communication is critical for this model to be effective.

  • On-the-job training for Paraeducators

    A training plan can take any form, but it should indicate the type of training needed for the task, the competence or skill desired, possible trainers, and when the training is needed. The five essential training components include theory, demonstration, practice, feedback, and coaching.

  • Sharing supervisory responsibilities

    When a paraeducator works with several professional team members, those individuals must clarify who will perform each of the seven supervisory functions.