Teacher Tools Related to Positive Behavior Support Planning

List of tools

  • Creating an Implementation Plan

    An implementation plan provides a management strategy to ensure effective communication for team-based positive behavior support planning by documenting the actions needed and who will be responsible for each task.

  • Positive Behavior Support Self Assessment

    A positive behavior support (PBS) checklist is a document that can be used to review whether a team has included the critical features of a functional behavioral assessment and PBS plan.

  • Positive Behavior Support Planning Tool

    A PBS planning tool is used by a student and his/her team to facilitate a session where team members identify and select intervention strategies. It helps the team focus on specific interventions that are directly linked to information from the functional behavioral assessment (FBA).

  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Positive Behavior Support Plan

    The evaluation of a PBS plan is a critical part of the PBS planning process. It is important to collect, analyze, and summarize information that allows the team to judge whether the plan is having a positive impact on the student's life, or if the plan needs to be changed.

  • Writing a Positive Behavior Support Plan

    The written PBS plan is a guide for the people who are supporting the student who is engaging in problem behavior. Its purpose is to help team members including staff, teachers, parents, etc. focus, establish accountability for completing tasks, ensure communication, and provide consistent implementation intervention.

  • Embedding Positive Behavior Support into School Systems

    Many students can benefit from positive behavior support. School or district positive behavior support includes interventions that address classroom, non-classroom, and school wide issues.

Developed by:
Rachel Freeman, PhD, University of Kansas