Welcome to Special Connections
A highly useful site replete with information about assessment, behavior plans, collaboration, instruction, standards and self-modeling.
This site was developed for general and special education teachers, related service personnel, para educators, parents and other professionals engaged in the meaningful inclusion of students with special needs in the general education curriculum. For returning visitors, many of you can see the site has changed. The site is currently under construction and we are progressing to get all the features up and running.
At this time, all pages should be active minus the case studies. We are working to bring these case studies back online and should have all text-based information back to pre-October 7th status no later than November 4, 2011. If there is something that is needed/required before then, please email Sean J. Smith at seanj@ku.edu.
We hope to have a new and improved site up and ready for full use very soon. In the meantime, the information we have provided still exists and is there for your use. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Explore the site sections
Performance & Curriculum Based Assessment/Measurement, Accommodations, Data-Based Decision Making, Quality Test Construction & Grading
Behavior Plans
Functional Behavior Assessment, Positive Behavior Support Planning and Interventions, Classroom and Group Support, School-wide Environmental Support
Problem-Solving, Cooperative Teaching, Teams, Working Effectively with Paraeducators
Universal Design for Learning, Literacy, Providing Access to the General Education Curriculum, Powerful Approaches & Accommodations
Teacher Standards, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)
Video Self-Modeling - TEC+
DIY Video Self Modeling (VSM), Feedforward, Literacy Interventions, Behavioral Interventions, Reading Fluency VSM, Tutoring Sessions, Promising Practices for School-based Settings